Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Speech 3: Radical

Thesis: The consensus in America is that being politically correct is good, I propose that being politically correct is actually a detriment to American's culture, identity, education, and in certain instances, their safety.
   1st slide: Intro ~ You see the term political correctness thrown out their in everything from news, politics, to even kids sports. define political correctness ~  agreeing with the idea that people should be careful to not use language or behave in a way that could offend a particular group of people
   2-4 slide: Show consensus ~ Why has being politically correct become so important 
   1.  discuss how recent events, such as police violence against minorities, have made the topic more prevalent 2. Show instances in kids sports were their are not trophies given to kids anymore     3. Explain story of the massacre that could have been prevented ~ Nidal Malik US Army Psychologist; Pentagon knew of emails to radical imams, and coworkers described as ticking time bomb. Didn't stop him because they "were afraid to profile somebody" ended up killing 13 people, including one pregnant female, at a US army base. 4. Show how cops have been hampered by their fear of profiling 5. Explain instances on college campus of ridiculous political correctness. ~ In 2014, a muslim student at The University of Michigan was harassed for a satirical column he wrote about the oversensitivity of students at his school. As Jonathan Chait described in a post in New York Magazine, the student was viewed as a perpetrator rather than a victim because he mocked politically correct norms. ~ it is the consensus
   Slide 5- Science of Political Correctness ~ Why political correctness is so important now 
   1. Discuss globalism and Global village. Marshal McLuhan,"release of human power and aggressive violence” greater than ever in history, as long separated —and emotionally charged—cultural norms would now constantly intermingle, clash and explode." ~ forbes 2. Political correctness is the product of the cultural collision that occurs on a daily basis, as we are interconnected with multimedia technology on a 24/7 basis. Differences thrust in face. Only way to save face, per say, of what you truly believe. 
   6-8 slide: Radical Solution ~ Why and How we should become politically incorrect 
   main point ~ That differences in people's culture, gender, success, ideals, and religion shouldn't be taboo, but rather celebrated: Meaning that we should understand that every person is different, and that is not necessarily a bad thing, unless you make it bad. 
   1. If we don't put a stigma on things: such as a persons race, if their Muslim, a girl, gay, how much money they have, what they wear. It will no longer be as important. Being passive aggressive, in a way, by acknowledging the fact that their is a difference, or reason to be "politically correct," is more bigoted. 2. Stop in news, humor, politics, government. Realize in some instances, especially for police and military, it is OK to profile. BUT realize that just because a small portion of that culture may be: radical islamists, criminals, or fulfill someones stereotype. That does not mean that MOST of that culture is like that. By eliminating Political Correctness we can realize our differences, than accept them. Doing this will allow us to realize the similarities and grow as a nation, which prides itself on being a "melting pot". 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Start,Stop,Continue: Speech #2

-The main thing that I got knocked points off for this speech was the amount of time I went. I'm pretty sure I went over 7 minutes, which is far too much time over the 5 minute time that I was shooting for. In retrospect, it was probably due to me having to explain my Barstool sports genre during the early portions of my speech. This took up a lot of time, and ultimately took away from the main point of this speech, which was to explain the moves and conventions in a speech genre. I have to pick a speech topic, in the future, that will be easier to relate to for the audience. This will make it easier to focus on what the prompt is for the speech, rat her than merely a topic that interests me.

-Stop drinking coffee before my speech.

-I need to also stop slouching during my speech. I feel like I could take on a professional manner when I am speaking, which will increase my rhetoric.

-I have to breath a little better while I'm presenting. There was a moment in my speech that I was short of breath, and I tensed up a bit. This was most likely due to me trying to talk to speedily. This then made me have an awkward blip in the middle of my speech. I got to stop being nervous in front of the class, this will enable me to be more comfortable, and will make my speech far better.

-I went into the speech relatively unprepared on the speech structure that I was going to follow. I was so familiar with the topic that I didn't it was necessary to have a definitive outline, and structure to the speech. This made me spend to much time going on tangents about things that weren't as important to the overall purpose of the speech. I have to start going into speeches with structure. This will make it easier to focus on the shit that's actually important, which in this case was moves and conventions.

-I need to start using pauses and tone fluctuations more prominently in my speeches. I think that doing this will jettison my public speaking to the next level. My voice isn't entirely monotone, but there is room for growth. If I start to practice more I will be able to use pauses more effectively because I know when they will sound appropriate. I noticed that when my classmates used pauses in their speeches it really boosted the point they were making.

I'm going to really start to be more passionate in how I preset my topic. I want to be more animated and vocal, which will make my speech sound better and be more persuasive.

- I thought that I did a pretty good job at maintaing eye contact with the audience throughout the speech. I also used decent hand gestures to amplify my points. Making my Prezi was my favorite part of this speech by far. I had a good time making the theme of cards and a table. I thought that was pretty slick with my topic being called Barstool, and the site being so focused on gambling. I'm definintely going to continue using Prezi in my future speeches.

- I also liked titling the moves for my speech genre. I thought that this was something that was kind of unique to my speech. I'm going to continue to try to find different ways that I can try to make my speech a little bit different than other people's. I think that this is a good thing to try to do to make my speech more entertaining for my audience, because watching the same speech over and over again can make it hard to pay attention.

Classmates Moves:
- I liked the move that the homie Mr. D pulled by incorporating the laser pointer in his speech. I felt like he broke from the norm by doing it, and it added an extra element to his presentation. It's also something that was reminiscent of what could be used in the speech topic he was presenting.

-The dude who was presenting the speech about police interrogations used a doozy of a move. Not gonna lie, my mind has started to drift a bit, but then he used the ultimate attention grabber by using the "slamming the folder" move. When he did that my mind jolted back into awareness, and I listened the rest of the speech.

- I thought that Daisy's speech was probably the best speech of anyone's. She was just really animated, and it was infectious. She somehow made a campus tour sound like an exhilarting venture, which is pretty fucking impressive. I'm going to attempt to copy her move of just being passionate of the speech that she is presenting.

Ultimately, my speech going 7 minutes was the most detrimental aspect to my grade. The main reasons that my speech was this long are: 1. I choose a topic that I had to throughly explain to the audience 2. I lacked structure, causing me to go on tangents 3. I did't practice sufficiently. For future speeches I will look to these 3 things to improve upon my overall presentation.