Monday, April 4, 2016

Start, Stop, Continue. Speech #3

Start: -I need to start loosening up even more when I am up on stage.  I realized after my speech how poorly I explained the connection between the Global Village and my radical idea of eliminating political correctness from American culture. This was a crucial element to convincing my audience that political correctness is indeed the consensus in America. Because I was still a bit tense, I failed to convey properly the point that I was trying to get across.
- Along these lines, I still need to start to practice giving my presentation to an audience.  I did practice this time, but never in front of an audience.  While I was up on stage, I noticed a problem  with the grammar in my Prezi.  This caused me to become flustered. Once I was thrown off a bit I started to become more tense, because I didn't want to look like a fool in front of my peers. If I had practiced in front of a live audience more I likely would have noticed this discrepancy in my speech.
Stop: - I need to stop putting my hands in my pocket while I am presenting.  This is detrimental to my ethos, or credibility.  It made me appear far more casual, which made my presentation lose some of its luster.
- I need to stop trying to figure out what exactly I am going to say to my audience during my speech.  In my opinion, my speech comes across more natural when I improvise, but this can be adverse to how well I articulate. While I was giving my speech I realized that political correctness related to the topic discussed early on in class, which was first-order thinking. Being worried about what we are saying to whom can negatively effect your first-order thought process, making you turn to second order thinking. This would have been a really good point in my speech, but I said primary-thinking instead.
Continue: - I'm going to continue picking topics that I am passionate about.  I firmly believe that concealing our true emotions about something, via political correctness, builds up resentment or hate towards that topic. Much like passive aggressiveness with roommates; The tension can explode. Letting it out there would let people grow into friends. Once the differences are accepted.
- Trying to use hand gestures in my speech. Think that this is helps my speech appear more natural.
- Using a theme in my Prezi that relates to my topic.  I've enjoyed doing this on the last two speeches. I feel like it helps convey my message to the class.
- I tried to fluctuate the tone and pitch of my voice during this speech to enhance my important points. This is something that I have noticed my classmates had used in the past speeches, which added to their presentation.
Ultimately, I thought that this was the most enjoyable speech so far in the class to make.  It was a challenge to come up with a radical idea that I was passionate about changing, and was a viable option to use. Initially, I was planning on arguing the radical notion of String Theory, which was shot down in the "screening process." I was happy that I settled with my idea of eliminating political correctness.  In future speeches, I need to focus more on practicing beforehand before a live audience. This will give me more confidence, and will help me spot errors in my speech before presenting in front of the class.

Classmates Moves: - A move that I liked was Canyon incorporating me in his speech when he posed a question to the class.  He talked to me before the speech telling me what to do and say.  I thought this was a pretty cool move to bring some interaction with his audience in his speech.
- Another move that I thought was pretty slick was how Foschman used the Prezi that had the countries on it.  This was awesome.  It brought the speech together nicely, and even made me understand his point better, which is the ultimate purpose of using a Powerpoint in your speech.
- The last move that I noticed was how McCool started her speech with a video clip.  This was the first time someone in the class did this.  I thought it offered a visualization for what she was trying to argue well.  I can definitely see myself doing this in future speeches.
~ During my speech my video messed up while Mr. D was filming it. Wasn't able to get a video to post to the blog. Sorry. NOVA's gonna win tonight!

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